Ekins, Sean, Max Brackmann, Cédric Invernizzi & Filippa Lentzos (2023) Generative AI-assisted protein design must consider repurposing potential, GEN Biotechnology Vol.2(4): 296-300.
Lentzos, Filippa (2023) Personalized war: How the genomics revolution will reshape war, espionage, and tyranny… Aporia Magazine, 26 June.
Ekins, Sean, Filippa Lentzos, Max Brackmann & Cédric Invernizzi (2023) There’s a ‘ChatGPT’ for biology. What could go wrong? The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 24 March.
Urbina, Fabio, Filippa Lentzos, Cédric Invernizzi & Sean Ekins (2023) Preventing AI from creating biochemical threats, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Vol.63(3): 691-694.
Filippa Lentzos (2022) Der Horror aus dem Labor, Der Pragmaticus, 24 November.
Jez Littlewood & Filippa Lentzos (2022) Russia (again) peddles its debunked US-Ukrainian bioweapons claims at the United Nations, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 15 November.
Koblentz, Gregory D. & Filippa Lentzos (2022) A plan B to strengthen biosafety and biosecurity: A ‘minilateral’ approach is needed to strengthen global biorisk management, Council on Foreign Relations: Think Global Health, 15 November.
Jez Littlewood & Filippa Lentzos (2022) Russia’s alleged bioweapons claims have few supporters, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 11 October.
Urbina, Fabio, Filippa Lentzos, Cédric Invernizzi & Sean Ekins (2022) A teachable moment for dual-use, Nature Machine Intelligence Vol.4: 607.
Lentzos, Filippa & Jez Littlewood (2022) Russia finds another stage for the ukraine biolabs disinformation show, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 8 July.
Lentzos, Filippa, Edward Rybicki, Margret Engelhard, Pauline Paterson, Wayne Sandholtz & Guy Reeves (2022) Letter response, Science Vol.275(6587): 1363.
Lentzos, Filippa & Jez Littlewood (2022) Don’t let finger-pointing doom this key treaty against bioweapons, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 4 March.
Lentzos, Filippa & Gregory D. Koblentz (2022) Have hybrid coronaviruses already been made? We simply don’t know for sure, and that’s a problem, The Conversation, 21 Feb.
Lentzos, Filippa & Dag Hareide (2021) Stadig flere kan lage farlige virus og bakterier. Hva gjø vi med det? Kronikk i Aftenposten, 6 Nov.
Lentzos, Filippa & Henrietta Wilson (2021) How UNSCOM found and destroyed Iraq’s biological weapons, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 23 July.
Rodgers, Joseph, Filippa Lentzos, Gregory D. Koblentz & Minh Ly (2021) How to make sure the labs researching the most dangerous pathogens are safe and secure, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 2 July.
Koblentz, Gregory D. & Filippa Lentzos (2021) Whether Covid escaped from a lab or not, it’s time to talk about biosecurity, The Guardian, 15 June.
Lentzos, Filippa & Gregory D. Koblentz (2021) Fifty-nine labs around world handle the deadliest pathogens–only a quarter score high on safety, The Conversation, 14 June.
Lentzos, Filippa (2021) The role of critical researchers in the Covid origins controversy, The Somatosphere, 3 March.
Lentzos, Filippa (2021) WHO: Covid-19 didn’t leak from a lab. Also WHO: Maybe it did, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 11 February.
Connel, Nancy, Kobi Leins, Filippa Lentzos & Anja Kaspersen (2021) Driving responsible innovation of AI, life science and next generation biotech, IEEE SA Beyond Standards, 3 February.
Lentzos, Filippa & Jez Littlewood (2020) How Russia worked to undermine UN bioweapons investigations, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 11 December.
Lentzos, Filippa & Guy Reeves (2020) Scientists are working on vaccines that spread like a disease. What could possibly go wrong? The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 18 September.
Lentzos, Filippa (2020) Biopower and precision surveillance, Lockdown Texts, BioSocieties, 28 August.
Lentzos, Filippa (2020) High-stakes virus research must end The Sunday Times, 12 July.
Trump, Ben D et al (2020) Building biosecurity for synthetic biology Molecular Systems Biology, 21 July.
Lentzos, Filippa (2020) Und wenn das Virus doch aus einem Labor stammt? Gastkommentar in the Swiss Tages Anzeiger, 23 May.
Lentzos, Filippa (2020) Will the WHO call for an international investigation into the coronavirus’s origins? The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 18 May.
Lentzos, Filippa (2020) Natural spillover or research lab leak? Why a credible investigation is needed to determine the origin of the coronavirus pandemic The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 1 May.
Lentzos, Filippa & Isobel Butorac (2020) Neurotechnology overview: Why we need a treaty to regulate weapons controlled by…thinking The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 28 April.
Lentzos, Filippa (2019) What happened after an explosion at a Russian disease lab called VECTOR? The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 27 November.
Lentzos, Filippa & Cédric Invernizzi (2019) Laboratories in the cloud The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 2 July.
Lentzos, Filippa (2019) Will splashy philanthropy cause the biosecurity field to focus on the wrong risks? The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 25 April.
Lentzos, Filippa (2018) The Russian disinformation attack that poses a biological danger The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 19 November.
Lentzos, Filippa (2018) Strengthen the taboo against biological and chemical weapons The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 26 July.
Lentzos, Filippa & Jez Littlewood (2018) DARPA’s Prepare program: Preparing for what? The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 26 July.
Lentzos, Filippa (2018) How do we control dangerous biological research? The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 12 April.
Lentzos, Filippa & Cédric Invernizzi (2018) DNA origami: Unfolding risk? The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 25 January.
Bruner, Robert & Filippa Lentzos (2017) Neuroscience–and the new weapons of the mind The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 27 October.
Lentzos, Filippa (2017) Ignore Bill Gates: Where bioweapons focus really belongs The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 3 July.
Lentzos, Filippa & Gregory D. Koblentz (2016) It’s time to modernize the bioweapons convention The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 4 November.
Lentzos, Filippa & Nicholas Evans (2016) Four steps to rebuild trust in biology The Guardian, 23 May.
Lentzos, Filippa (2016) “Don’t single out the DIY community” part of the STAT news First Opinion feature Is do-it-yourself CRISPR as scary as it sounds?, 14 March.
Lentzos, Filippa (2015) Synthetic Biology’s Defence Dollars: Signals and Perceptions PLOS Blog, 27 December.
Lentzos, Filippa (2015) Mutational technologies: Engage public in gene-editing policy Nature Vol.521(7552): 289.
Lentzos, Filippa, Koos van der Bruggen & Kathryn Nixdorff (2015) Can we trust scientists’ self-control? The Guardian, 26 April.
Lentzos, Filippa (2014) Preventing a man-made pandemic The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 18 December.
Lentzos, Filippa, Catherine Jefferson & Claire Marris (2014) The myths (and realities) of synthetic bioweapons The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 18 September.
Lentzos, Filippa (2013) Syria and bioweapons: The need for transparency The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 21 November.